Thursday, November 21, 2013

November Post of C4K

kids playing

Te Reo Maori (My Own Mihi Mihi)
Tolofa translates in English the following words:
"Greeting to you all
Who have gathered
Here to this school
To greet
The love
Great is Happiness
For your strength
Assembling to learn the subject
Concerning this school of learning."

In my comment:
My name is KeNesha Brown. I am a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. First. off, I would like to say your blog post is beautiful. I admire the way yo translate your language into English. Keep up the great work and good luck this school year.

Mrs. Yollis Class ( Compound Sentences)
In the blog post, she discuss how to write a compound sentence. She explains that compound sentence combines two short sentences. The two sentences are joined together by conjunctions ( and, but, or, so). Mrs. Yollis explains that a comma comes before the conjunction. Mrs Yollis challenge everyone to write a comment using two compound sentence in the post. The comment should include plans for the Thanksgiving holdiay.
In my Comment:
My name is KeNesha Brown. I am in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. For Thanksgiving, I plan to enjoy my birthday and my family. I’m looking forward to a harvest feast, but I can’t abandon my studies; therefore, studying will be a part of my Thanksgiving plan as well.

I really enjoyed the blog post, and the creative activity you’ve came up with for compound sentences. The way your students are interacting with you and their classmates is outstanding. I love it!

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